What you’ll need

  1. The contract address you’re interested in indexing.
  2. The ABI (Application Binary Interface) of the contract.



Getting the ABI

If the contract you’re interested in indexing is a contract you deployed, then you’ll have the contract address and ABI handy. Otherwise, you can use a mix of public explorer tools to find this information. For example, if we’re interested in indexing the friend.tech contract…

  1. Find the contract address from Dappradar
  2. Click through to the block explorer where the ABI can be found under the Contract ABI section. You can also click here to download it.

Save the ABI to your local file system and make a note of the contract address. Also make a note of the block number the contract was deployed at, you’ll need this at a later step.


Creating the configuration file

The next step is to create the Instant Subgraph configuration file (e.g. friendtech-config.json). This file consists of five key sections:

  1. Config version number
  2. Config name
  3. ABIs
  4. Chains
  5. Contract instances

Version number

As of October 2023, our Instant Subgraph configuration system is on version 1. This may change in the future. This is not the version number of your subgraph, but of Goldsky’s configuration file format.

Config name

This is a name of your choice that helps you understand what this config is for. It is only used for internal debugging. For this guide, we’ll use friendtech.

ABIs, chains, and contract instances

These three sections are interconnected.

  1. Name your ABI and enter the path to the ABI file you saved earlier (relative to where this config file is located). In this case, ftshares and abi.json.
  2. Write out the contract instance, referencing the ABI you named earlier, address it’s deployed at, chain it’s on, the start block.
  "version": "1",
  "name": "friendtech",
  "abis": {
    "ftshares": {
      "path": "./abi.json"
  "instances": [
      "abi": "ftshares",
      "address": "0xCF205808Ed36593aa40a44F10c7f7C2F67d4A4d4",
      "startBlock": 2430440,
      "chain": "base"

The abi name in instances should match a key in abis, in this example, ftshares. It is possible to have more than one chains and more than one ABI. Multiple chains will result in multiple subgraphs. The file abi.json in this example should contain the friendtech ABI downloaded from here.

This configuration can handle multiple contracts with distinct ABIs, the same contract across multiple chains, or multiple contracts with distinct ABIs on multiple chains.

For a complete reference of the various properties, please see the Instant Subgraphs references docs


Deploying the subgraph

With your configuration file ready, it’s time to deploy the subgraph.

  1. Open the CLI and log in to your Goldsky account with the command: goldsky login.
  2. Deploy the subgraph using the command: goldsky subgraph deploy name/version --from-abi <path-to-config-file>, then pass in the path to the config file you created. Note - do NOT pass in the ABI itself, but rather the config file defined above. Example: goldsky subgraph deploy friendtech/1.0 --from-abi friendtech-config.json

Goldsky will generate all the necessary subgraph code, deploy it, and return an endpoint that you can start querying.

Clicking the endpoint link takes you to a web client where you can browse the schema and draft queries to integrate into your app.

Can't find what you're looking for? Reach out to us at support@goldsky.com for help.