Install + log in

  1. Install the Goldsky CLI:
    curl | sh
  2. Run the goldsky CLI and follow the prompts to get started:

Create a pipeline

  1. Create a pipeline in one of two ways

    • With a guided CLI experience.

      goldsky pipeline create <pipeline-name>

      This will initiate an interactive CLI walkthrough that guides you through the 3-step process of creating a pipeline without any code:

      1. Select one or more source(s)
      2. Depending on the selected source(s), define transforms
      3. Configure one or more sink(s)
    • By providing a pipeline configuration file.

      This is an advanced way to create a new pipeline. Instead of using the guided CLI experience (see above), you create the pipeline configuration on your own.

      Create a pipeline configuration YAML file:

      name: <your-pipeline-name>
      apiVersion: 3
      sources: {}
      transforms: {}
      sinks: {}

      Both sources and sinks are required with a minimum of one entry each. transforms is optional and an empty object ({}) can be used if no transforms are needed.

      For details on the pipeline configuration YAML and all available properties, please refer to the source and sink-specific documentation.

      Run goldsky pipeline apply <your-pipeline-config-file-path> in your terminal to create a pipeline.

Monitor a pipeline

  1. View the status of your pipeline with the following command:

    goldsky pipeline monitor <pipeline-name>
  2. Explore other Mirror functionality through the CLI or our detailed documentation. To print the list of available commands, use:

    goldsky pipeline --help

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