When you need to react to every new event coming from the blockchain or subgraph, SQS can be a simple and resilient way get started. SQS works with any mirror source, including subgraph updates and on-chain events.

Mirror Pipelines will send events to an SQS queue of your choosing. You can then use AWS’s SDK to process events, or even create a lambda to do serverless processing of the events.

SQS is append-only, so any events will be sent with the metadata needed to handle mutations as needed.

Full configuration details for SQS sink is available in the reference page.


Create an AWS SQS secret with the following CLI command:

goldsky secret create --name AN_AWS_SQS_SECRET --value '{
  "accessKey": "Type.String()",
  "secretAccessKey": "Type.String()",
  "region": "Type.String()",
  "type": "sqs"

Secret requires sqs:SendMessage permission. Refer to AWS SQS permissions documentation for more information.